I gave a Panel-Interview at the “Best MINT” conference 2019, which was dealing with the study-entry phase of women in STEM fields. It took place at Paderborn University (4.9.2019).

The university opens its doors within the Frühlings-Uni 2019 – Spring University 2019 for high-school graduates. I participate a Round table dating: Women in STEM being open for any questions on studying physics/chemistry/materials sciences, challenges as a woman in STEM, perspectives on possible career paths and whatever will be asked!

‚Chancen ergreifen‘, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Universität Paderborn, 2018

I participated in a portrait-series on Women in Sciences initiated by the equality office of Paderborn University. They are presenting different motivations, career paths and advices from women who are pursuing academic careers. Find my portrait here:

Gleichstellung Uni Paderborn 2018